Tuesday, October 28, 2008


It all begins with the first meal of the day. I have found that when I start the day in a healthy way, I have more energy, less cravings, increased stamina, and personal willpower to make better food choices throughout the day. The benefits are huge!

My personal belief is that our 'outside' is often a reflection of our 'inside'. The realization of that statement takes a great deal of self-honesty. We are not a victim unless we choose to be. Our spirit suffers when we don't feed our body the fuel it needs. That's the crux of it. I had to accept that I was not 'depriving' my body of sweets and other comfort foods. When I stopped using what I ate as an emotional filler, I came to regard food as my bodies' means of building and creating the outward temple that houses my inner spirit..what a thought! Truly, that's when I began to experience success. Knowing what those foods were really doing to me on the inside, I simply did not have any desire to ingest them.

I highly recommend choosing foods that are alive--not dead! What are you fueling your body with?


*4 scoops Total Greens Protein Powder
1-3 drops stevia (natural sweetener)
1 1/2 TBSP flax seed (ground)
8 frozen strawberries
1 frozen banana
4 ice cubes
1/2 beet
1/2 avacado
7 sprigs cilantro
***20-30 fresh spinach leaves

Makes 48 oz. or 6 cups

*Total Greens by Nutri-West is a fabulous product that contains Broccoli and Cauliflower Sprouts, Wheat Grasses, and all of the other amazing ingredients that it would take you all day to prepare and eat otherwise. This stuff makes it easy. Be sure to refrigerate the canister after opening (the food is alive!). If you'd like to try it, you can order your own online by clicking on the web-site listed on my sidebar. I like knowing that whatever happens the rest of the day, my family started with a power-packed boost. The best part...my kids love it!

***Try substituting kale, beet greens, or collards for the equivalent of spinach. Experiment and use a variety of different "greens" to create your breakfast smoothie. (It's like baking bread...it is not an exact science because no two batches are ever exactly the same). Have fun and discover what you like best!


"It is not enough to take in a necessary quantity of water inside the body, but we should take the quality of water into consideration. For instance, the district where a lot of long life people live is blessed with high quality water from natural resources. In other words, it is becoming common sense that there are a lot of correlations between the health and the quality of water which we drink every day.

Today, even if the water that we drink or use does not contain any detrimental ingredient, the quality of water is not always satisfactory. It is becoming clear that the formation of water crystals reflects the quality of the water. I would be pleased if you would deepen your understanding and interest toward water when you see the photographs that are reported here."

Masaru Emoto

President of I.H.M. General Institute,

"We have observed various kinds of water crystals in our laboratory and have found that water containing minerals and in a healthy balance tends to turn out well-ordered hexagonal crystals. Energetically speaking, we believe that water needs to have good Hado to create a beautiful crystal. "

Crystal from polluted damn, Japan

Crystal from Distilled Water

Crystal from Alkaline, Naturally Mineralized Water

Healthy eating begins with healthy drinking. The benefits of Alkaline water are tremendous. I highly recommend considering the quality of water you drink, and the quantity as well. When our body is dehydrated, we think we are hungry when we are actually thirsty! Drink water that will truly hydrate the cells!

So much more than clean water…I believe this machine is our fountain of youth. Reverse osmosis, distilled water and most bottled waters are devoid of naturally occurring minerals. They are acidic and hard to absorb and rob minerals from the body. The water created from this little box that sits next to my sink has a powerful antioxidant effect, superior hydration, more oxygen, detoxifies your system and restores pH balance (It tastes wonderful too!). Researchers believe that disease is caused by excess acidity in our body that weakens all body systems. Our high-stress lifestyles, what we eat, and environmental pollutants, virtually affecting everyone, cause over-acidity. This forces the body to rob minerals, calcium and magnesium, from vital organs and bones. Our reserves are depleted, leaving the body vulnerable to bone density loss, heartburn/ indigestion, blood sugar issues, weight gain – 68 conditions in all.

I have found pH Balanced water to be the the answer to neutralizing the acid build-up and opening the floodgates to natural weight loss and feeling young again! (I feel like a commercial. Can you tell I love my water?) It is recommended that people drink 1 liter per 40 lbs. of current body weight daily. Don't do the math, but YES, I drink 3+ liters of water per day in a bottle that looks just like this.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I think you should know...that I am not an expert! These recipes are certainly not perfect, and by no means do I claim them to be. The foods, recipes, and advice that are found here may or may not work for you (I guess you'll have to TRY them to find out though **wink**).

The exciting part is the results that I am getting! After years of health challenges, food fads, and intense exercise programs, I have finally found what I feel is the healthiest and most wholesome principles of nutrition I've ever encountered. I've lost weight naturally, feel great, and have more energy than I remember having in my whole life. Stay tuned, and we'll find out together if the results are permanent!